Learn, try, recycle
Learn, try, recycle
Project coordinator - VšĮ Edukaciniai projektai
Project partners - Šiauliai "Juventa" progymnasium
Recently, the concept of "ZeroWaste", which is focused on responsible production, consumption, sorting, and recycling cycles, has been heard more and more often. This topic is becoming more and more relevant in Lithuanian schools, kindergartens, and other educational institutions. Children are included in the theoretical and practical activities of the topic.
Thus, Vši "EDUKACINIAI PROJEKTAI" and Šiauliai "Juventa" progymnasium aim to educate and introduce children to sustainable consumption, sorting, and other principles. During the project, a green space for STEAM education will be installed, where participants will be able to deepen their knowledge about nature.
1. Teach children to create a clean and sustainable world by reducing consumption, to follow the principles of the circular economy: reuse what is possible.
2. Encourage children's creativity by teaching them to give an object another purpose.
3. Introduce children to the practical processes of planting, growing, caring for, and processing plants.
4. Develop emotional intelligence using the sensory properties of plants - smell, taste, touch.
It is planned that during the project we will involve:
a) 15 children from the Children's Day Center of Edukaciniai projektai
b) students from Šiauliai "Juventa" progymnasium - (110 students from first to eighth grade) .