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Digital Tablet

Transition Mode for Adults: Ecological and inclUsive Digital Education - EcoDigi

Project coordinator is SPOLECZNA AKADEMIA NAUK (Poland)

Project partners:


  • Fundacja Instytut ReIntegracji Spolecznej (Poland)

  • VI One Consultancy (Netherlands)


  • Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino ONLUS (Italy)

Digital innovation and the adoption of new digital practices must go hand in hand with a concern for environmental and climate goals, as well as with inclusion and equality. The project aims to develop digital teaching materials and tools to support and enhance the effective use of eco-friendly digital technologies. It will bring together the concepts of digital readiness and resilience, environmental sustainability, and inclusion, and explore the multiple intersections between them, bringing together experts and organisations from these thematic areas for a mutually enriching experience. Learners of all backgrounds, including learners with disabilities and difficulties, will be able to develop their skills and attitudes to live more sustainably and contribute to the digital transformation.


1. Increase the environmental awareness and resilience of adult educators in the partner countries and more widely by providing them with effective tools and materials to support sustainability in their practices;

2. Promote the inclusion and improve the learning outcomes of learners with disabilities and difficulties;

3. Create a pool of skilled trainers and resources that can support the building of capacity of adult educators;

4. Raise awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability and social inclusion in adult education practices, and the ways everyone can contribute to these large goals through taking small steps;

Digital Tablet


  1. Green and inclusive thinking. The self-assessment tool will be generated as an online questionnaire, available in English and all project languages. The tool will allow educators to immediately see their results and receive ideas on how they can improve them.

  2. Online Training Platform and Guidelines. Aim of this result is to equip adult educators with knowledge, demonstrate the creation of a green and accessible online platform, facilitate knowledge sharing, exchange and dissemination of good practices between the partner countries and partner organisations

  3. Training the target groups. Training for trainers, which will prepare them to support adult educators in changing their practices. They will also prepare a methodology for training adult educators, which will be implemented during the final activity  – training webinars.

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