Mail Art 4 Seniors
A creative MailArt training program for seniors to cope with loneliness and isolation
Project coordinator: VšĮ EDUKACINIAI PROJEKTAI
Project partners:
Pirkanmaan muotoilu- ja taideteollisuusyhdistys Modus ry Finland
International Institute of Applied Psychology and Human Sciences associazione culturale, Italy
Associação Cultural e de solidariedade Social Raquel
Lombardi, Portugal
The aim is to develop a program for adult educators and to contribute to reducing the loneliness and isolation of older people through the mail art.
According to WHO (2020) COVID-19 is changing older people’s daily routines, care, and support they receive, their ability to stay socially connected, as well as how they are perceived. Older people, who are considered to be at highest risk for severe illness from COVID-19, are being challenged by the COVID-19 restrictions forcing them to spend more time at home in isolation, minimising their contact with other family members, friends, and colleagues, and temporary terminating employment and other activities; all leading to increased anxiety and fear of illness and death – their own and others. According to Eurostat 19.2% of people in Europe are now considered elder individuals (Cyprus the 15.1%, Greece the 21.3%, Finland 20.5%, France 20,39%, Lithuania 19%, and Portugal 20.7%), which is every 5 European citizens.
For this reason we need to create opportunities for seniors during the pandemic to cope with loneliness and isolation that negatively affect their everyday lives and their physical and mental wellbeing.
During the project we will develop a new non-formal education training program for adult educators (social workers working with the elderly, professionals working in nursing homes, geriatric psychologists, nurses, artists organizing sessions for seniors) on how to help seniors overcome feelings of isolation and loneliness, ensure prosperity, maintain social ties and enjoy a good life during the pandemic through the mail art. Mail art is not a novelty, but it can be revived and used for artistic expression during a pandemic.
Therefore, having adult educators as the target group of the project and seniors (aged 65 and more) as the final beneficiaries, we propose a project with the following objectives:
To develop a training program for adult educators with tools and guidelines on how to help seniors overcome isolation and loneliness through the mail art.
Organize trainings for adult educators working with seniors.
Mail results:
1. 3 intellectual outputs created
2. 18 adult educators trained
3. At least 30 seniors will participate in the training