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Tools4Teaching in Digital Education Settings

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Tools4Teaching in Digital Education Settings

Project coordinator - DOMSPAIN SLU (Spain)

Project partners:

  • VšĮ Edukaciniai projektai (Lithuania)


  • VI One Consultancy (Netherlands)

  • ARTIED Ltd (Bulgaria)

  • MyArtist Koin.S.Ep. (Greece)

New expectations of ‘digital’ learners require continuous improvement of competences of educators and constant transformation and adaptation of learning resources they use. T4T project focuses on supporting adult educators and formal, non-formal and informal training providers to effectively shift towards digital education and to provide the same level of learners’ interaction and ‘human-like’ experience, as in the physical environment.

The specific objectives are:

1. Improving educators’ competences about the specifics of building and sustaining effective online group dynamics and ensuring high level of learners’ experience in digital classrooms.

2. Increasing educators’ knowledge and skills to offer and maintain high level of interaction and involvement of students in digitally delivered lessons and sessions through creating an interactive data base with hands-on energisers.

3. Creating a network of educational professionals and training providers in the field of formal, non-formal and informal education, who are knowledgeable how to ensure the same level of interaction and learners’ involvement in online teaching environment, as well as in the physical one.

4. Promoting cross-sector and transnational cooperation between partner countries and active exchange of experience and lessons learnt.

Open Book


  • Designing Guidelines how to better set up effective group dynamics in online learning environment;

  • Developing a Resource Library with helpful resources how to maintain effective group interaction in online learning environment;

  • Creating practical exercises (energisers, warm-up and wrap-up activities) suitable for online learning environment and boosting group dynamics;

  • Organising a series of international webinars to pilot the developed exercises into partner countries.


If you are interested in our activities, want to cooperate, volunteer or do an internship, please contact:


Tel. No .: +370 677 940 48


P. Višinskio st. 34, Šiauliai,

3rd floor

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