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E-mail art -strengthening competences of young people by developing digital skills of older people

Project coordinator - VšĮ Edukaciniai projektai


Young people have grown up using technology as an integral part of their daily lives, while older people often have minimal or no digital skills. This gap means that young people lack the knowledge and skills to teach their elders the basics of using digital technologies, the basic information that young people take for granted. Elderly education often fails because learners lack patience, consistency, and psychological knowledge about learning at an older age, so it is necessary to strengthen these competencies in reducing the digital isolation of older people.


Project E-MAIL ART combines several particularly important social factors - communication and cooperation between young and older people, creativity, reducing the feeling of isolation and loneliness of older people, and digital technologies. The project has a dual function - it promotes the strengthening and maintenance of social networks in older age and fosters volunteering ideas and encourages young people to get involved in volunteering.

This project aims to develop an innovative non-formal education training platform with guidelines for volunteers who develop digital competencies of older people, aimed at helping the elderly overcome loneliness, and isolation and contribute to their well-being through artistic activities and digital communication tools.

The project is financed by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour




Planned activities

  • Preparation of educational materials for developing the abilities and skills of older people in the field of information technology and creation of online learning platform

  • Informational seminars - "E-mail art- for everyone"

  • Training for volunters - a pilot test of the training program

  • E-MAIL ART workshops for older people

  • Discussion groups and consultation for volunteers

  • Virtual exhibition "E-MAIL ART"

          Virtuali galerija

Asociacija "Menų šaltinis"

Šiaulių Trečiojo amžiaus universitetas

Šiaulių miesto savivaldybės globos namai

Šiaulių artrito draugija "Artis"

Šiaulių miesto "Neįgaliųjų draugija"

Šiaulių "Bočiai"

Linkuvos socialinių paslaugų centras


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Tel. No .: +370 677 940 48


P. Višinskio st. 34, Šiauliai,

3rd floor

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