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Breaking Barriers

Teenage Schoolboy

Breaking Barriers

Project coordinator – VšĮ Edukaciniai projektai

Project partners:

  • NGO Motyvaciniai projektai (Lithuania)

  • Partners from Belarus

  • Learning for Integration ry (Finland)


The problem of bullying which is now also being used also online is still acute in Lithuania. Finland is doing quite well with stopping (cyber)bullying so partners will have a chance to learn more about how they managed to do that. In Belarus, according to, 14% children belonging to high school think of suicide and approximately 7% actually attempt it every year.

The project aims at contributing to solving the problem of cyberbullying and hate speech online among young people (aged 11-15) using modern technologies (VR, AR, apps, video games) and promoting tolerance, empathy, development of EI, understanding towards each other, acceptance and breaking some stereotypes which are still very vital. The consortium which encompasses 4 NGOs from three countries (Lithuania, Finland and Belarus) will share their experience, good practices and throughout the period of 12 months.

Open Book


  • Prepare 4 workshops (and research another 6) combining modern technologies, tools and promotion of values, skills which would contribute to the solution of cyberbullying and hate speech online;

  • Then train each other and additionally 120 specialists (social workers, youth workers, teachers).

  • The workshops will be collected into the Toolkit and disseminated on the local levels and during the international conferences in Lithuania.


If you are interested in our activities, want to cooperate, volunteer or do an internship, please contact:


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